The value of Agricultural Research

ASPIRES Tanzania under the auspices of Michigan State University has been keen in undertaking research studies that have had direct impact to the public including policy makers, researchers, traders, and farmers in the country. During the past year ASPIRES ventured into research on the horticultural sub-sector mainly because of the potential of this subsector in terms of accelerating economic growth due to its high value outputs but also due to its inclusivity in enabling economic empowerment to marginalized groups in the community.…
Tax Reforms Benefit Farmers and Traders: A Case of Tea Production and Marketing in Tanzania

Adam Kibiki is a tea farmer, husband and father of three kids in Iringa, located in Southern Tanzania. He is among the 65% of Tanzania’s labor force that is employed in agriculture and who contributes 29% towards the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP).…
Leveraging NSA partnerships for effective policy dialogue – a case of PAG

Lack of an enabling policy environment is widely recognized as one of the binding constraints to agricultural transformation, food security and nutrition, and economic growth in Tanzania. Recognizing this challenge, national and international development agencies have increased their technical support to the Government of Tanzania to accelerate policy reforms.…