MSU Technical Support

Mywish Maredia

MSU Technical Support


Fixed- term professor in International Development, Mywish Maredia’s research has focused on the economic impacts of agricultural research, technology adoption, seed system efficiency, food policy, and the economics of science and technology policies. She has led several research initiatives in Africa, Asia and Central America involving field experiments and extensive data collection. Her research on impact evaluation has focused on a wide range of topics, including land titling, nutrition and value chain, information and communication technologies (ICT), adoption of agricultural technologies, and the assessment of technology transfer models (extension). 

Mywish has worked as a consultant with many international organizations, served as the Director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy from 2016-2020, Associate Director of the USAID funded Bean/Cowpea and Dry Grain Pulses CRSP (later renamed as the Legume Innovation Lab) from 2000-2009, and as a member of the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment of the CGIAR’s Science Council from 2006-2011. She was the recipient of the Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in 1994 from the American Agricultural Economics Association.

She is working on several grant funded research initiatives on a variety of topics and geographical regions (See Dr. Maredia’s CV and google scholar profile).

Research and Outreach Interests

  • Methods and approaches to evaluate impacts of agricultural development interventions on developmental goals (i.e., reducing poverty and food insecurity, enhancing nutritional outcomes, promoting food system transformation, etc.)
  • Impact assessment of agricultural R&D and the adoption of improved technologies
  • Seed system development issues and policies in developing countries
  • Testing new methods of data collection in developing countries