MSU Technical Support

Isaac Minde

MSU Technical Support


Isaac Minde has worked on many aspects of agricultural development in Africa through his long- term assignments in Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. He has held positions in the Tanzanian government as a district agricultural development officer, and academic staff member in the University of Dar es Salaam and the Sokoine University of Agriculture—where in the latter he served as chair of the agricultural economics department. He has worked in the sub-regional agricultural research organization (ASARECA), and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)–IITA and later with ICRISAT as Principal Scientist and Head of the ICRISAT Diplomatic Mission in Zimbabwe. Through these engagements, Dr. Minde has a working knowledge of the regional political and economic blocs of COMESA, EAC and SADC in eastern and southern Africa. He then joined Michigan State University, where among others, has been the Africa Coordinator of the Modernizing Africa Food Systems Project, Deputy Chief of Party at different times for two Feed the Future projects (iAGRI and ASPIRES) in Tanzania. Dr. Minde is currently a senior policy advisor in a Michigan State University project led in Tanzania and Associate Director for MSU-Alliance for African Partnership with a key responsibility on monitoring, evaluation, learning, and impact assessment. Dr. Minde is an honorary distinguished fellow of the African Association of Agricultural Economists.