The 6th Annual AAPC Meeting Opens in Dodoma

The National Agricultural Policy, Private Sector Engagement and Climate Change are among the major issues that were discussed at the 6th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) as more than 250 stakeholders in the agricultural sector met in Dodoma City.
The three-day conference kicked off with key players in the agricultural sector meeting to deliberate on how the country can improve specific policies, which would ensure steady food security, nutrition and job creation in Tanzania.…
5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference in Tanzania

Every year, the Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) convenes a range of critical policy decision-makers and stakeholders in Tanzania’s agricultural sector to share the latest empirical findings, assess progress in agricultural policy reforms, share successes and lessons learned, identify remaining gaps and chart out an agenda for future reforms.…
ASPIRES Supports Tanzania’s Agricultural Sector Development Program II (ADSP II)

With agriculture contributing towards 23% of Tanzania’s GDP, employing 70% of the nation’s labour force, accounting for 30% of exports and 65% of inputs to the industrial sector, the sector plays a critical role to the nation’s development agenda.
In light of this, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E.…