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Success Stories

The value of Agricultural Research

ASPIRES Tanzania under the auspices of Michigan State University has been keen in undertaking research studies that have had direct …

Success Stories

Tax Reforms Benefit Farmers and Traders: A Case of Tea Production and Marketing in Tanzania

Adam Kibiki is a tea farmer, husband and father of three kids in Iringa, located in Southern Tanzania. He is …

Success Stories

Leveraging NSA partnerships for effective policy dialogue – a case of PAG

Lack of an enabling policy environment is widely recognized as one of the binding constraints to agricultural transformation, food security …

News & Events

The 6th Annual AAPC Meeting Opens in Dodoma

The National Agricultural Policy, Private Sector Engagement and Climate Change are among the major issues that were discussed at the …

News & Events

5th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference in Tanzania

Every year, the Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC) convenes a range of critical policy decision-makers and stakeholders in Tanzania’s agricultural …

News & Events

ASPIRES Supports Tanzania’s Agricultural Sector Development Program II (ADSP II)

With agriculture contributing towards 23% of Tanzania’s GDP, employing 70% of the nation’s labour force, accounting for 30% of exports …