Technical Team

Edith Lazaro

Research Analyst


Agricultural Policy Research, Survey Design and Implementation, Dev. Project Coordination, Capacity Building


Edith Lazaro is an Agricultural Economist devoted to analyzing the interplay of various agricultural policies on agricultural growth, rural development, value chain creation, food security, and nutrition in Tanzania and the region. In the last five years, her work has been within USAID-funded projects where she has been involved in the design and implementation of large national surveys, studies on impact assessment as well as agricultural value chain analysis. She has provided research insights to policy advisors, some of which have resulted in policy changes critical for improving overall rural livelihoods. Edith has also been responsible for various capacity-building and training programs which include designing training modules and coordinating training in data collection, analysis, and reporting for policy. Edith is a mentor for young women agricultural economists and holds a Master’s in Agricultural Economics from The Ohio State University (USA) and a BSc. in Rural Development from Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania).